Last Update: May 13,  2020
Course Objective:The objective of this course is to help students develop competences on statistical techniques needed for data analysis, and various data mining techniques and algorithms used in practical problems that require processing big data for decision making purpose.Learning Outcomes: The students on the completion of this course would be able to:

    • Apply various inferential statistical analysis techniques to describe data sets and withdraw useful conclusions from the data sets (e.g., confidence interval, hypothesis testing)
    • Apply data visualization techniques and key data mining techniques (e.g., classification analysis, associate rule learning, anomaly/outlier detection, clustering analysis, regression analysis) in dealing with big data sets
    • Implement the analytic algorithms for practical data sets
    • Perform large scale analytic projects in various industrial sectors

Prerequisite:  None

Week Topic Workshop Learning Materials Teaching Materials Note
1 Basic Concepts MSIE-09-L-M1S1-T
2 Basic Concepts (continued) MSIE-09-T-M1S1-W01MSIE-09-T-M1S1-W02
3 Statistical Inferences MSIE-09-T-M1S2-W01 MSIE-09-L-M1S2_T
4 Hypothesis Testing MSIE-09-L-M1S3-T
5 Hypothesis Testing (continued) MSIE-09-T-M1S3-W01
6 Data Visualization MSIE-09-L-M2S1-T
7 Data Dashboard MSIE-09-L-M2S2-T
8 Regression Analysis MSIE-09-T-M3S1-W01 MSIE-09-L-M3S1-T
9 Regression Analysis (cont.)
10 Data Classification MSIE-09-L-M3S2-T
11 Data Classification (cont.)
12 Data Clustering MSIE-09-L-M3S3-T
13 Data Clustering (cont.)
14 Association Rules MSIE-09-L-M3S4-T
15 Association Rules (cont.)

Laboratory Sessions
: None

Learning Resources:

Textbooks: No designated textbook, but class notes and handouts will be provided.

Reference Books:

    1. Larose, D.T. and Larose, C.D., Data Mining and Predictive Analytics, 2nd edition, Wiley, 2015
    2. Shmueli, G., Bruce, P.C., Yahav, I., Patel, N.R. and Lichtendahl Jr., K.C., Data Mining for Business Analytics – Concepts, Techniques, and Application in R, Wiley, 2018
    3. Ankam, V., Big Data Analytics, Packt, 2016
    4. Walkowiak, S., Big Data Analytics with R, Packt, 2016
    5. Grolemund, G., Hands-on Programming with R, O’Reilly, 2014
    6. Wickham, H. and Grolemund, G., R for Data Science, O’Reilly, 2017
    7. Wexler, S., Shaffer, J. and Cotgreave, A., The Big Book of Dashboards: Visualizing Your Data Using Real-World Business Scenarios, Wiley, 2017
    8. O’Cornor, E., Microsoft Power BI Dashboards Step by Step, Practice Files, 2019

Journals and Magazines:

    1. Management Science, Informs
    2. Journal of Supply Chain Management, Wiley
    3. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Elsevier
    4. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, Springer

Teaching and Learning Methods:

The teaching is done via lectures by the instructor. Tutorial/workshop sessions are conducted on the use of tools in each subject. The learning methods include group discussion, individual/group assignment and group project/case study.

Time Distribution and Study Load:

Lectures: 30 hours

Tutorials/Group Discussions: 30 hours

Self-study: 45 hours

Group project: 40 hours

Evaluation Scheme:  The final grade will be computed according to the following weight distribution: Mid-semester examination 20%, assignments and group projects 50%, final examination 30%. In final grading

An “A” would be awarded if a student shows a deep understanding of the knowledge learned through home assignments, project works, and exam results.

A “B” would be awarded if a student shows an overall understanding of all topics.

A “C” would be given if a student meets below average expectation in understanding and application of basic knowledge.

A “D” would be given if a student does not meet expectations in both understanding and application of the given knowledge.

Developer: Huynh Trung Luong (AIT), Sirorat Pattanapairoj (KKU); Komkrit Pitituek (KKU), Wimalin Laosiritaworn (CMU)

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