MSIE 4.0 Courses Syllabuses and Materials

Last update: November 7, 2020

You can learn more about our sixteen courses by clicking on the courses of interest. The links will lead you to the pages of the courses where you can acquire the course syllabuses and the English version of the materials. 

Course No.  Course Title
1 Enterprise Management in Digital Economy
2 Project Management for Industry 4.0
3 Smart Operations Management
4 Quality Management for Extended Enterprise
5 Sustainable Supply Chain Management
6 Digital Factory
7 Advanced Optimization: Techniques and Industrial Applications
8 Intelligent Decision Support Systems
9 Applied Data Analytics
10 Cyber-Physical Industrial Systems
11 Collaborative Manufacturing Systems
12 Additive Manufacturing for Industry 4.0
13 Innovative Product Design and Development
14 Human-Centric Design for Operator 4.0
15 Customer Experience-Driven Design
16 Communications and People Skills Development for Engineering Leaders
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