Outcome 3.6 Installed hardware and software

Inventory Reports on Hardware and Software Installed at Six Thai Partner Universities

Partner  Name Description of Hardware and Software Inventory Report Purchase required bidding 
P1 Chiang Mai University Three LED TV sets


Logitech Meetup

Laser printer

Computer set

CMU-P1_Inventory Status Report None
P2 Khon Kaen University Three LED TV sets


Logitech Meetup

Laser printer

Computer set

KKU-P2_Inventory Status Report None
P3 King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Three LED TV sets


Logitech Meetup

Laser printer

Computer set

KMUTNB-P3_Inventory Status Report None
P5 Prince of Songkla University Three LED TV sets


Logitech Meetup

Laser printer

Computer set

PSU-P5_Inventory Status Report None
P6 Thammasat University Three LED TV sets


Logitech Meetup

Laser printer

Computer set

TU-P6_Inventory Status Report None
P9 Asian Institute of Technology Three LED TV sets


Logitech Meetup

Laser printer

Computer set

Automated Storage and Retrieval System (S1)

Tiling Automation (S2)

A fleet of Automated Guided Vehicles (S3)

Conveyor System (S4)

Collaborative Robots (S6)

Collaborative Additive Manufacturing (S7)

Tecnomatix and NX Software

3D printers and 3D scanners for AM Space

Servers for online learning platform and Learning Future Factory Laboratory (L2F Lab)

Cameras, and devices for live streaming learning activities

Internet router for L2F Lab

Tools for L2F Lab Development

AIT Inventory Status Report Control system

Collaborative robotic arms (Cobots)

Outcome 3.5 Online learning materials


Online learning materials are available on Vclass platform. You can ENTER the Vclass here and the screen should be as shown in Figure 1. In case that the message as in Figure 2 appears, please select “show detail” and then select “visit this website”. 

Vclass website: http://msie.vclass.net/

Figure 1 The front page of the Vclass
Figure 2 Another possible display page






[Thai] Course 13: Innovative Product Design and Development

Course 13: Innovative Product Design and Development


Last Update: Nov 9,  2020

Course Objective:

The subject of the course concerns the creative design of innovative products that are technological innovation or modification of existing technological solutions. As a result, designed products should find their application in Industry 4.0 related businesses and its problems. The implementation of the course subject is based on learning and training methods of effective implementation of innovation, identification and analysis of the strategic elements of new product innovation, e.g. the process, different functions, and individual roles. The goal of this course is to develop creative thinking of the graduates and discussion of issues related to development and marketing innovative products, including searching for ideas and creating a concept based on creative thinking techniques and methods of entrepreneurial problem solving, selecting ideas and development of prototypes, taking into account user needs and the latest scientific research.

Learning Outcomes: The students on the completion of this course would be able to:

  • analyze the basic concepts related to innovations and the idea of implementing innovative products (apply),
  • apply the basic techniques of creative thinking and creative problem solving for creating innovative product and marketing strategies (apply),
  • identify the benefits of implementing innovations (analyze),
  • identify the challenges and opportunities associated with the launch of a new product and propose suitable strategies depending on product and situation (analyze),
  • prepare a conceptual product design taking into account user needs and the latest scientific research (create),
  • valorization, capitalization and protection of the original solutions obtained from the creative activity (evaluate),
  • create and co-ordinate cross-disciplinary teams to achieve a common objective (create),
  • present entrepreneurial and creative attitude towards seeking various problem solutions (apply).



 Course Outline:

Course outline (modules / topics)

  • Module 1:  Innovation and creativity (Lectures: 5 hours, Workshop: 15 hours, Self-study: 15 hours)
  • Module 2:  Product Design and Development (Lectures: 5 hours, Workshop: 25 hours, Self-study: 25 hours)
  • Module 3:  Intellectual Property (Lectures: 5 hours, Workshop: 20 hours, Self-study: 20 hours)



Workshop Learning Materials Teaching Materials
1 M1.1.Innovation

  1. The innovation process and its source
  2. Methods of analysis and evaluation of innovations
  3. Examples of innovative products
2 M.1.2.Creative thinking and creative problem solving for creating innovative product

  1. The concept of creative thinking and creative problem solving
  2. Principles and stages of creative problem solving
  3. The benefits of creative thinking
  4. Difficulties blocking creative thinking, counteracting the suppression of creativity
  5. Basic heuristic methods and techniques (mind mapping, brainstorming and its variants, reverse brainstorming, Edward de Bono Methods)
MSIE-13-L-M1S2-W01-Thai MSIE-13-L-M1S2-L01-Thai



3 M.2.1.Creation and development of new products including sustainable development

  1. Characteristics of the innovative product
  2. Impact of consumers on the design and implementation of innovative products
  3. Eco product design
MSIE-13-L-M2S1-W01-Thai MSIE-13-L-M2S1-L01-Thai
4 M.2.2.Creating a product design concept based on the design thinking methodology

  1. Stages and tools in the design thinking method
  • Stage 1 – Empathy
  • Stage 2 – Defining problems
  • Stage 3 – Generating ideas
  • Stage 4 – Prototyping
  • Stage 5 – Testing
  1. Examples of using the design thinking method in the design of innovative products
MSIE-13-L-M2S2-W01-Thai MSIE-13-L-M2S2-L01-Thai



5 M.3.1.Intellectual property

  1. The role and importance of intellectual property in business development
  2. National, regional and international authorities




6 M.3.2.Knowledge management techniques

  1. Copyrights
  2. Related rights
  3. Patents
  4. Trademarks
  5. Industrial design
  6. Appellation of origin (Geographical Indications), protection of new varieties of plants, protection of integrated circuits, unfair competition







MSIE-13-L-M3S2-L02-Thai MSIE-13-L-M3S2-L03-Thai MSIE-13-L-M3S2-L04-Thai MSIE-13-L-M3S2-L05-Thai MSIE-13-L-M3S2-L06-Thai MSIE-13-L-M3S2-L07-Thai MSIE-13-L-M3S2-L08-Thai MSIE-13-L-M3S2-L09-Thai MSIE-13-L-M3S2-L10-Thai


Laboratory Sessions
: None

Learning Resources:

Textbooks: No designated textbook, but class notes and handouts will be provided.

Reference Books:

  1. Curedale R.A., Design Thinking Process & Methods 4th Edition, Publisher: Design Community College Inc., 2017.
  2. Justice L., The Future of Design: Global Product Innovation for a Complex World, Publisher Nicholas Brealey, 2019.
  3. Chesbrough H.W., Open innovation. The New imperative for creating and profiting from technology, Harvard Business School Press, Boston 2003.
  4. Liu C. Innovative Product Design Practice, CYPI Press, 2007.
  5. Cooper R.G., Edgett S.J., Product Innovation and Technology Strategy, Booksurge Publishing, 2009.
  6. Gessinger G.H., Materials and Innovative Product Development, Publisher Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009.
  7. Patton J., Economy P., User Story Mapping: Discover the Whole Story, Build the Right Product Published O’Reilly Media, 2014.
  8. Alves R., Nunes, N.J., Towards a Taxonomy of Service Design Methods and Tools, (in:) Falcão e Cunha J., Snene M., Nóvoa H. (eds.), Exploring Services Science. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2013, 215-229, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  9. Zawadzki P., Żywicki K., Smart product design and production control for effective mass customization in the Industry 4.0 concept, „Management and Production Engineering Review”, 2016, 7, 3, 105- 112.

Journals and Magazines:

  • Management and Production Engineering Review

Teaching and Learning Methods:

This course will be implemented through the lectures, workshops and self- studies. The teaching and learning methods during workshops and self- studies include class discussion, analysis of examples, identification of customer needs, individual/ group generation of the product concept and its critical assessment, as well as simple prototyping of a product. Workshops will be conducted among others by the Design Thinking method. Students will gain the ability to moderate according to the Design Thinking methodology, which creates innovative solutions, products, services and processes. They will acquire the ability to search and recognize challenges that can be conducted according to the Design Thinking methodology.  They will learn the rules for selecting project teams. Students will acquire ability to use teamwork to achieve the group’s intended goal and result.

Time Distribution and Study Load:

Lectures: 15 hours

Workshop: 60 hours

Self-study: 60 hours

Evaluation Scheme

The final grade will be computed according to the following weight distribution: Class discussions (15%); Individual presentation of assignments (15%); Individual tasks for a group project (15%); Progress a group project  (10%); Project outcome (10%); Final presentation of group project (20%); Test (15%).

An “A” would be awarded if a student shows a deep understanding of the knowledge about innovative product design and development.

A “B” would be awarded if a student shows an overall understanding of all topics about innovative product design and development.

A “C” would be given if a student meets below average expectation in understanding and application of basic knowledge about innovative product design and development.

A “D” would be given if a student does not meet expectations in both understanding and application of the given knowledge about innovative product design and development.

Developer: Katarzyna ROZPONDEK & Agnieszka OCIEPA-KUBICKA (CUT), Naritsak Tuntitipawan (KMUTNB), Nicolae Ionescu (UPB), Montalee Sasananan (TU)