Course 5: Sustainable Supply Chain Management


Last Update: May 04, 2020; March 19,  2020; June 15, 2020; June 23, 2020.

Course Objective: The main goal of the course is to acquire the ability to create an effective value chain (the ability to work and manage a team in the process of design/redesign structure of modern sustainable supply chain in Industry 4.0 environment), functioning in a sustainable environment with the use of intelligent and flexible production technologies and modern communication as part of the interaction network between its participants.

Learning Outcomes: The students on the completion of this course would be able to:

    • apply the knowledge and competences related to Industrial Engineering in order to improve the supply chain functions
    • indicate entrepreneurial activities and implement solutions in the field of Industrial Engineering to improve SSCM
    • redesign the supply chain in accordance to the requirements of the Industry 4.0
    • analyze and select scientific solutions in the field of Industrial Engineering in building a network of connections in SSCM
    • manage a group (interdisciplinary, intercultural and distributed) in order to identify and evaluate trans strategies for the supply chain network functioning in a sustainable development economy

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge in the field: engineering sciences, logistics science including the supply chain and management sciences

Course Outline: (L-lecture, W- workshop):

Module Topic Workshop Learning Materials Teaching Materials Note
1. Supply Chain Management in sustainability environment 1.    Role of sustainability in supply chain management –  Definition of sustainable development

–  Goal of sustainable development

–  Key factors of the supply chain

–  SWOT / TOWS analysis: the impact of a selected goal (or several) of sustainable development on supply chain management



2.    Supply chain redesigning and cooperation in a interorganizational network – Inter-organizational network

– Characterize the cluster

– Cluster supply chain

– Supply chain functioning in an inter-organizational network environment



3.    Application of network solutions in sustainable supply chain management – Important sustainability factors

– Important cluster supply chain factors

– Important factors influencing the way of managing a sustainable supply chain

– Network the method of sustainable supply chain management



2. Supply Chain Modeling 1.     Inventory Management and Risk Poolin –  Single Period Model

–  For the Swimsuit

–  Continuous Review Policy

–  Base-Stock Level Policy

–  4-Stage Supply Chain

MSIE-05-L-M2S1 MSIE-05-T-M2S1
2.     Supply Contracts –  Swimsuit Example: Buy-Back Contract, Revenue Sharing Contract, Global Optimization

–  Supply Chain for Fashion Products Ski-Jackets: Pay-Back Contract, Cost-Sharing Contract

MSIE-05-L-M2S2 MSIE-05-T-M2S2
3.     Bullwhip Effect and Distribution Strategies –  Quantifying the Bullwhip

–  Impact of Variability

–  Inventory Pooling – GM

MSIE-05-L-M2S3 MSIE-05-T-M2S3
3. Applications of Supply Chains in Different Industry Sectors in this Disruptive Era 1.     Supply Chain Redesign –  Technology (technology trend) influence for industry

–  DSC function influence for industry

–  Technological solution (at least one) with allow transforming the cluster supply chain into a digital network supply chain

–  Cluster supply chain designed into a digital supply chain in the network



2.     Role of Supply Chain in Industry 4.0 – Smart supply chains in Industry 4.0 –  Definition of „Industry 4.0”

–  Definition of “Supply Chain 4.0”

–  Industry 4.0 influence for industry

–  Key elements of sustainable management of supply chain functioning in the environment Industry 4.0




Laboratory Sessions: None

Learning Resources:

Textbooks: No designated textbook, but class notes and handouts will be provided.

Scientific Articles: No designated article, but databases containing themed articles will be provide

Reference Books:

  1. Bruno S. Sergi, Elena G. Popkova, Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Tatiana N. Litvinova, Understanding Industry 4.0: AI, the Internet of Things, and the Future of Work, Emerald Group Publishing, 2019
  2. Joseph Sarkis, Handbook on the Sustainable Supply Chain, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019
  3. Yui-yip Lau, Adolf K.Y. Ng, Jorge Acevedo, Principles of Global Supply Chain Management, Anthem Press, 2019
  4. Anjali Awasthi, Katarzyna Grzybowska, Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Decision Making for Sustainable Supply Chain, IGI Global, 2019
  5. Simchi-Levi, P. Kaminsky, and E. Simchi-Levi: Designing and Managing the Supply Chain (3rd edition), McGraw-Hill, 2008.
  6. Chopra, and P. Meindl: Supply Chain Management, Pearson, 2013
  7. Watson, S. Lewis, P. Cacioppi, and J. Jayaraman:  Supply Chain Network Design, FT Press, 2013

Journals and Magazines:

    1. European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier
    2. International Journal of Production Research, Taylor and Francis
    3. Management Science, Informs
    4. Journal of Supply Chain Management, Wiley

Teaching and Learning Methods:

The course is focused on personal activity and group work. The workshop is a project classes and assignments. The project task concerns work in a group (about 10 people), during which each participant will actively use their own knowledge to write a joint project work. The project group will be creating the supply chain in the industry chosen by the group. Presentation the project, discussion and activity at workshop   will allow to implement the assumed learning outcomes for the course.

The teaching is done via lectures by the instructor using online mode. Online Workshop sessions are conducted on the use of tools in each subject. The learning methods include group discussion, individual assignment and group project.

Time Distribution and Study Load:

Lectures: 15 hours

Workshop: 30 hours

Self-study: 75 hours

Evaluation Scheme: The final grade will be computed according to the following weight distribution: Individual reflections (20%); Class discussions (10%); Project outcome (30%); Powerful Public Speaking (20%) and Personal Development (20%)

An “A” would be awarded if a student can demonstrate the use of transferred and self-acquired knowledge in creating a sustainable supply chain.

A “B” would be awarded if a student can show the use of transferred and self-acquired knowledge in the field of sustainable supply chain management.

A “C” would be given if a student can show the use of the knowledge provided in the field of sustainable supply chain management.

A “D” would be given if a student shows the inability to use the transferred knowledge in the field of sustainable supply chain management.


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