The Quality Control and Monitoring Plan (QCMP) has been prepared in order to ensure the production of concrete and high–quality results in line with the project plans.

In this context, the main purpose of the QCMP is to define:

    • the evaluation criteria and evaluation mechanisms for internal and external QCM as well as the number and structure of QCM reports
    • the list of the methods that will be used to ensure the required level of quality, project quality policies and procedures, project standards/checklists for reviews, project metrics to measure deliverable or process quality and project quality goal.


Version Date Author Reason for the revision Report
5 09.07.2019 UPB /Livia Lazăr -QCMB structure update

– Introduce annexes: XI- QF_TEF, XII – QF-TEP and XIII – QF-EEP

4 3.12.2018 UPB /Livia Lazăr -Review QF_DTM -version 3 (clarifications on: dissemination level, dissemination responsible, text style, abbreviation system)

-Review QCMP (dissemination level, abbreviation system – subsection 5.1.3),

-Review QF-QCM -version 4 (planned versus actual start/ end date)

3 12.10.2018 UPB /Livia Lazăr Review QCMP, in order to include the PEC’s suggestions:

-clarification of the term “partner”

-details for deliverable evaluation and the internal quality control and monitoring

-update the project website

2 30.09.2018 UPB /Livia Lazăr Review QCMP and QF_DES, in order to include the QCMB’s suggestions from the deliverable evaluation QCMP(v2)
1 11.09.2018 QCMB Introduce table 4- Internal procedure,

QF_DES version 4, QF_QCM version 3

0.7 10.09.2018 UPB /Livia Lazăr Introduce the form QF-ECI and details about responsibilities for tasks evaluation, and internal quality control and monitoring QCMP(v0.7)
0.6 15.03.2018 PSU/ Supapan  Chaiprapat Grammar issues QCMP(v0.6)
0.5 08.03.2018 UPB /Livia Lazăr 4.1 Quality of the project processes (page 5-6/21)

4.2.1 Quality evaluation (page 8/21) Internal evaluation (page 8/21)

5.1 Document control (page 9-10/21)

5.1.4 Documents for public use (page 11/21)

5.2. Communication (page 11/21)

6 The QCMP templates (page 12/21) – to comply with QF-DTM

0.1-0.4 UPB /Livia Lazăr



Drafts: designing the QCMP, taking into account the QCMB’s and PC’s observations and recommendations. QCMP(v0.4)



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