Pre-financing Reports
Last Update: Oct 14, 2020

No. Description From to Transfer Date Document Note
1  First pre-financing for the project EACEA AIT 19/01/2018  First Installment to AIT  Exchange rate: 38.80 Baht per Euro
Rate for a report:38.92 Baht per Euro
2  First installment to UPB AIT UPB 16/02/2018  First installment to UPB  Exchange rate: 39.46 Baht per Euro
3  First installment to KMUTNB AIT KMUTNB 05/03/2018  First installment to KMUTNB  Exchange rate: 38.80 Baht per Euro
4  First installment to CUT AIT CUT 06/03/2018  First installment to CUT  Exchange rate: 39.06 Baht per Euro
5  First installment to UMinho AIT UMinho 15/03/2018  First installment to UMInho  Exchange rate: 38.85 Baht per Euro
6  First installment to PSU AIT PSU 22/03/2018  First installment to PSU  Exchange rate: 38.80 Baht per Euro
7  First installment to TU AIT TU 09/04/2018  First installment to TU  Exchange rate: 38.80 Baht per Euro
8  First installment to CMU AIT CMU 08/05/2018  First installment to CMU  Exchange rate: 38.80 Baht per Euro
9  First installment to KKU AIT KKU 23/05/2018  First installment to KKU  Exchange rate: 38.80 Baht per Euro
10  Second installment to CUT AIT CUT 06/12/2018  Second installment for CUT  Exchange rate: 37.55 Baht per Euro
11  Second installment to KMUTNB AIT KMUTNB 15/01/2019  Second installment to KMUTNB  Exchange rate: 38.80 Baht per Euro
12  Second installment to PSU AIT PSU 22/01/2019  Second installment to PSU  Exchange rate: 38.80 Baht per Euro
13  Second installment to TU AIT TU 04/02/2019  Second installment to TU  Exchange rate: 38.80 Baht per Euro
14  Second installment to UMinho AIT UMinho 14/03/2019  Second installment to UMinho  Exchange rate: 36.2 Baht per Euro
15  Second installment to KKU AIT KKU 24/04/2019 Second installment for KKU Exchange rate: 38.80 Baht per Euro
16  Second installment to CMU AIT CMU 31/05/2019 Second installment to CMU Exchange rate: 38.80 Baht per Euro
17 Installment to PSU for project auditor 1 AIT PSU 31/01/2020 Installment for auditor 1
18 Second installment to AIT EACEA AIT 07/02/2020 Second Installment to AIT  Exchange rate: 33.95 Baht per Euro
Rate for a report:34.40 Baht per Euro
19  Third installment to CUT AIT CUT 12/03/2020 3rd Instalment CUT 1

3rd Instalment CUT 2

Exchange rate: 35.5938 Baht per Euro
20  Third installment to KMUTNB AIT KUUTNB 25/03/2020 3rd Installment KMUTNB Exchange rate: 33.95 Baht per Euro
21  Third installment to TU AIT TU 25/03/2020 3rd Installment TU Exchange rate: 33.95 Baht per Euro
22  Third installment to CMU AIT CMU 25/03/2020 3rd Installment CMU Exchange rate: 33.95 Baht per Euro
23  Third installment to KKU AIT KKU 25/03/2020 3rd Installment KKU Exchange rate: 33.95 Baht per Euro
24  Third installment to PSU AIT PSU 29/04/2020 3rd Installment PSU Exchange rate: 33.95 Baht per Euro
25 Third installment to UMinho AIT UMInho 04/06/2020 Third Installment to UMinho 1 Third Installment to UMinho 2 Exchange rate: 35.75766 Baht per Euro
26 Installment to PSU for financial auditor 1 AIT PSU 14/09/2020 Installment for financial auditor 1
27  Second installment to UPB  No request from UPB


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