University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – UPB (, established in 1818, is the oldest, biggest, and most prestigious technical university in Romania with highest international rank among all Romanian universities. The 15 faculties, 53 departments and 38 research centres, with a teaching staff consisting in almost 2000 members, are dealing with around 27000 students from Romania and more than 600 foreign students.
UPB is a full member in several academic organisations, as Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research (CESAER), International Association of Universities (IAU), European University Association (EUA), Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) etc. However, UPB paid a special attention to bilateral cooperation agreements (more than 200 accords) with similar universities, from more than 33 countries in Europe, Asia, and United States of America.
UPB participated in dozens of EUROPEAN programs starting with 1990 (only in the past 7 years UPB participated in more than 70 EU projects) such as TEMPUS, LEONARDO, ERASMUS, ERASMUS +-CBHE, COST, COPERNICUS, PECO, COSME, CIP, FRAMEWORK PROGAMS 5, 6 and7, HORIZONS 20020, etc, having a good experience in project management and project quality and monitoring activities.
UPB has successfully implemented the ETCS system and was the leader in the implementation of the Romanian National Register for Quality in Higher Education –NRQHE in 2011 based on the European Quality Framework-EQF. UPB has also the highest accreditation rank of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education-ARACIS.
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics (IIR), third largest in the university, with more than 3100 undergraduate and master students and around 300 Ph.D. students, is the main Romanian provider of academic studies in Industrial Engineering, domain in which is running eight bachelor programs, 17 master programs and one Doctoral School. The faculty is running an Industrial Engineering bachelor program and an Industrial Engineering master program where the courses are taught completely in English followed by foreign and Romanian students. Most of the faculty’s academic programs are coordinated by the Manufacturing Engineering Department, which is also managing the Center for Advanced Technologies – CTANM, a 20 years old teaching and research centre, who participated and coordinated, in 20 years of existence, in more than 50 EU Projects. CTANM is one of the four in Romania accredited as excellence center in training and vocational education.
A recently established bachelor program run by the Manufacturing Engineering Department is “Applied Informatics in Industrial Engineering”, developed together with major Romanian industrial companies as Renault-Dacia, and strongly oriented towards the fields of Industry 4.0, Digital and Smart Factories.
University Website:
Department Website: