A02_QF-QFT-Quality Form Template v1

This form is for work package leaders. WPLs are asked to  comply with this form for every new document elaborated within WP (form) and submit to QCMB and PEC for assessment.

The abbreviation system for the naming of project documentation is as follows: the code will be AF-XXX-VY


  • the letter “A” defines the work package:
    • G – documents from WP1: Gap Analysis
    • C – documents from WP2 & 3: Curriculum Development
    • Q – documents from WP4: Quality Control and Monitoring
    • D – documents from WP5: Dissemination and Exploitation of Project Results
    • M – documents from WP6: Project Management
  • XXX – three initial capital letters of the plan/form/ document
  • VY is a version of the document

For example: QF-QFT-V1 is a Quality Form Template version 1.

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