MSIE-CBHE is an Erasmus+ Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry (MSIE4.0) funded by the European Commission. The project team is formed from a collaborative partnership among 9 universities, three from Europe and 6 from Thailand, who believe strongly in the power of education and innovation to transform lives.
Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry (MSIE4.0) has been selected for EU co-funding for Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education. MSIE4.0 is one of 149 selected from 756 eligible applications. MSIE4.0 is a three-year project worth approximately 980,000 Euro. It is a joint capacity building project between six universities in Thailand and three EU partner universities.
The overall aim is to enhance the capacity and ability of universities in Thailand for the delivery of a high quality competence-based curriculum for Master’s degree in industrial engineering that supports sustainable smart industry (Industry 4.0), conforms to European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and is applicable to EU partner universities.
In order to achieve the goals, MSIE4.0 will be specifically focused on
1. Modernization of the education of industrial engineering discipline in Thailand by the development of a curriculum for Master’s degree in industrial engineering to support sustainable smart industry,
2. Development of courses, learning and teaching tools, delivery processes and platform for student-centered learning of the curriculum,
3. Implementation of modern ICT tools and methodologies for effective student-centered learning of the curriculum,
4. Introductions of quality assurance and of the EQF approach for the delivery of the curriculum meeting international accepted education requirements,
5. Establishment and continuation of partnerships among partner universities.
This project will deliver a modernized MSIE curriculum containing 15 new courses that will be developed for student-centred learning and equipped with teaching and learning materials. The course will also be prepared for online learning. Laboratory with remote access will be built to support student learning. More importantly, teaching and technical staffs will be trained by experts in the areas from EU partners.