We are delighted to announce the keynote speakers and their keynote titles.
Hon. Abhisit Vejjajiva – a former Thai prime minister
Title: Future, We Hear You: Reforming Education for Lifelong Learning,
Prof. David W Rosen – Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Title: Active Transdisciplinary Engineering Education for Competence Development in An Intelligent Manufacturing Era,
Prof. Michael Christie – The University of the Sunshine Coast
Title: Improving Engineering Education with Effective Teaching and Learning,
Dr. Sampan Silapanad – VP and GM, Western Digital
Title: Be Comfortable in Uncomfortable Zone: Workforce 4.0 will never be the same,
Prof. Cindy Finelli – University of Michigan
Title: In Pursuit of Active Learning: Challenges, Insights, and Opportunities.
You can learn more about our keynote speakers at http://paeeale.ait.ac.th/?page_id=1837.
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