This report presents an analysis of teaching and learning methods being applied currently in Thailand and European partners’ countries, being part of the WP1 progress reports. The process of analysis was based on data collected in two different ways. First the project’s team collected data from 23 best practices of Industrial Engineering (IE) or related master programs, being 13 from Thai programs and 10 from European programs. Additionally, the project’s team collected the perceptions on most used and most effective teaching and learning methods, from Thai and European teachers participating in the project.
Results from the questionnaire show that among European and Thai teachers, lecture is still the most used teaching and learning approach. Additionally, among Thai teachers may exist a belief that teacher-centered approaches are more effective for teaching learning. The analysis of the best practices shows that in the European selected programs is much more common to develop Project-Based Learning based on interdisciplinary problems, interacting with industrial partners.
The full report is available here.